
  • Lima

Hundreds of fish poisoned in upscale Lima park

Over 200 fish were found dead in the pond of El Olivar park in Lima’s…

  • News

Who is ‘outsider’ presidential candidate Julio Guzman?

Julio Guzman is an economist who has shocked Peru’s political establishment by rising to second place…

  • News

Peru: latest poll shows Julio Guzman second to Fujimori

A new poll of Peru’s voters indicates that Julio Guzman has risen to second place…

  • News

Peru reports first confirmed case of Zika virus

Peru’s health ministry has confirmed the first case of the Zika virus in a Venezuelan…

  • Business

Credicorp allies with Grupo Sura to finance infrastructure projects

Credicorp Capital has entered a strategic alliance with Grupo Sura to create a fund to…

  • Culture

New Mario Vargas Llosa novel set in Alberto Fujimori’s Peru

“Five Corners,” the next novel by Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa, deals with corruption and…

  • News

Peru: Cesar Acuña violated campaign finance regulations

Peru’s electoral authority has ruled that presidential candidate Cesar Acuña violated campaign finance laws by…

  • News

Cesar Acuña may lose degree after plagiarism revealed in thesis

The Complutense University of Madrid is investigating alleged plagiarism in the doctoral thesis of Peru…

  • News

Northern Peru braces for mosquito-borne Zika virus

The health director of Peru’s northern state of Tumbes has requested the national government declare…

  • News

Julio Guzman stumbles over indigenous rights law

Julio Guzman has backtracked in an early gaffe committed just after emerging as a contender in…

  • Economy

Cesar Acuña promises state controls on prices, exchange rate

Presidential candidate Cesar Acuña said that Peru’s government should enact price controls and the central…

  • Culture

Peru: 3,500-year-old skeleton discovered in Lima

Archaeologists unearthed the remains of a Pre-Ceramic Period woman from the El Paraiso archaeological site…

  • Lima

Fire in Lima beach town highlights poor water infrastructure

A blazing fire which destroyed a supermarket in the Asia district has brought scrutiny to…

  • Economy

El Niño droughts affect harvests in southern Peru

A lack of rain throughout southern Peru will devastate this year’s harvests of crops including…

  • Economy

Peru: stronger stocks may prevent Lima exchange downgrade

Increased liquidity and market capitalization in two Peru-listed companies could protect the Lima stock exchange’s…