
  • News

Gaston Acurio and Alejandro Toledo spar on Twitter

Former President of Peru Alejandro Toledo and celebrity chef Gaston Acurio engaged in a brief…

  • News

Censured politician sues Peru’s congress for $775,000

Expelled congresswoman Tula Benites has sued Peru’s congress for $775,000 for “psychological and personal injury,”…

  • News

Police seize $31 million of counterfeit bills in Peru

Lima police dismantled a counterfeiting ring this week and seized over $31 million in falsified…

  • Economy

Peru’s government reaches deal with Las Bambas protesters

Peru’s government has reached an agreement with community leaders from southern Peru to end a…

  • Lima

Chaos and corruption in Lima bus system revealed

Investigations by the newspaper, El Comercio, have revealed how bus companies and drivers avoid paying…

  • Economy

Peru agrees to world’s largest free-trade agreement

Peru and 11 other countries including the United States, Japan and Chile have agreed on…

  • Lite

Sarah Jessica Parker visits Peru on promo tour

Actress and model Sarah Jessica Parker spent two days in Lima on a promotional tour for the…

  • Economy

How hard will El Niño hit Peru’s economy?

Analysts in government and the private sector try to assess the economic damage an extreme…

  • Culture

Señor de los Milagros processions begin in Lima

Peru’s annual Señor de los Milagros processions began in Lima last Saturday and continue throughout…

  • News

Mario Vargas Llosa endorses Pedro Pablo Kuczynski

Author Mario Vargas Llosa has endorsed former Cabinet chief and economist Pedro Pablo Kuczynski for…

  • Culture

Paolo Guerrero nominated for Ballon d’Or soccer award

Peru soccer star Paolo Guerrero was nominated two win the FIFA Ballon d’Or soccer award…

  • News

Witness accuses presidential candidate of rape at murder trial

A witness in the murder trial of Peru presidential candidate Daniel Urresti accused him of…

  • News

Keiko Fujimori comments make waves among political base

Peru’s leading presidential candidate, Keiko Fujimori, generated controversy within her party for comments she made…

  • News

‘March of Sacrifice’ highlights mineral contamination in Peru

Over 50 demonstrators marched for 13 days from Peru’s central state of Pasco to the…

  • News

Opposition moves to impeach three Cabinet ministers in Peru

Partisan squabbling in Peru’s congress last night led to impeachment of three Cabinet ministers who…