Police raid offices of Attorney General’s advisor

The head of Peru’s Office of the Attorney General, Pedro Chávarry, has been under fire since he attempted to get rid of the country’s special investigation committee that was looking into bribes taken by authorities from Odebrecht. On Saturday, police responded by raiding the offices of Chávarry’s advisor.

Among the items found in the office of the advisor Juan Manuel Duarte Castro was a document containing case information for Keiko Fujimori. A report from El Comerico notes that the documents from the case connect Chávarry with the alleged criminal syndicate that Fujimori was heading.

The raid was signed off on by judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho, who happens to be the same judge that gave Fujimori a three-year preventive sentence that was just upheld Friday.

After it being announced that the Public Ministry would relieve special prosecutors Rafael Vela and José Domingo Pérez from their duties on the Lava Jato case, Peruvians went out to the street in mass protest. President Martín Vizcarra said he did not agree with the decision, but would respect the ministry’s autonomy. Chávarry has yet to resign despite calls from authorities like the Board of Supreme Prosecutors for him to step down.

Pérez participated in the Saturday raid with police and announced some of the findings. He said that there was evidence showing strong connections to Fujimori’s Popular Force party from between 2011 and 2016 among the documentation uncovered.

Michael Krumholtz:

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