Growing demand for pisco drives global sales

Photo credit: Andina

Export volume of Peru’s national spirit, pisco, has grown 168% in the last five years.

Peru’s national spirit saw over $5.5 million in sales to markets outside Peru in 2014, and first quarter sales in 2015 grew 38% from the same period in 2014.

International business and tourism minister Magali Silva said that more than 80 companies export pisco to 85 countries worldwide. “As of February of this year 180,000 liters worth $1.2 million has been exported,” Silva said. She added that the industry hopes to grow 9% to 12% from the 7 million liters produced in 2014.

Silva announced the eighteenth National Pisco Festival would be held at the Chorrillos military base from July 17 through July 19.

The top consumer markets for pisco are Chile and the United States, followed by the United Kingdom and Colombia. The Ica department produces 40% of Peru’s pisco. Other pisco-producing regions include Lima, Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna.

Pisco is an un-aged brandy distilled from grapes. It is the key ingredient in the pisco sour, Peru’s national cocktail. Peru’s national pisco day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July, and the national pisco sour day falls on the first Saturday of February.


Mincetur: Exportación de pisco crecerá 168% (El Peruano)

Envío de pisco crece 168% en cinco años (La Republica)

Mincetur: Exportaciones de pisco crecen en 38.6% por mayor demanda de Chile y EE.UU. (Gestion)


PISCO SOUR (Mincetur)

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