Peru biochemical engineer receives presidential scholarship for postgrad studies in UK

By January 6, 2019

Biochemical engineer Carol Flores Fernández has received some big news to kick off her new year. The Peruvian will be continuing her studies in a doctorate program at the University College in the United Kingdom thanks to a scholarship from Peru’s Ministry of Education.

The National Program of Scholarships and Educational Credit in the ministry has awarded the Presidential Scholarship to the 28-year-old student. The all-encompassing scholarship will cover all academic costs, provide a stipend for living, transport and food, cover health care internationally, give a fund for research costs, as well as airplane travel.

Flores’ thesis will center around producing compounds that are biodegradable and can be used as everyday objects.

“I’ve always had the dream of studying abroad,” Flores said in an interview done by the Ministry of Education. “It’s a dream come true to have the scholarship because it will allow me to fulfill my professional goals.”

The young biochemical engineer was born in Trujillo but from a young age went to live in La Libertad region of Pataz province since her mother was assigned to a local clinic in the area. She said that the rural town where she grew up allowed her to better contemplate nature and wanting to make lives better for people there.

“What many would see as a disadvantage, I saw as an opportunity,” Flores said. “It was so calm that I only dedicated myself to my studies and nothing distracted me from that.”

Flores completed her undergrad at the National University of San Marcos in Lima.