Keiko Fujimori

Keiko Fujimori is the leader of the Popular Force political party, and two-time presidential candidate.

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Born in 1975, Keiko was in high school at Recoleta Sacred Heart when her father, Alberto Fujimori, was elected president of Peru. Her parents separated during her father’s first term in office and Alberto Fujimori appointed Keiko Fujimori, his eldest daughter, as Peru’s first lady in 1994.

The position brought Keiko into the national spotlight at 19 years old. She traveled the country and worked to assist disadvantaged communities. She founded the Peruvian Baby Heart Foundation, which provides impoverished children in rural areas with assistance and resources to receive life-saving heart surgery from modern hospitals in Lima and other urban centers.

After finishing high school, Keiko moved to the United States to attend Stony Brook University. She earned a business degree from Boston University in 1997.

Alberto Fujimori’s government fell in 2000 during a corruption scandal and the president went into exile in Japan. Alberto Fujimori was arrested in Santiago, Chile in 2005 and extradited to Peru in 2006. He was subsequently found guilty and sentenced to 25 years for corruption and authorizing death squads. Transparency International believe Fujimori and his spy chief Vladimiro Montesinos stole a combined $600 million during his decade in power.

Keiko Fujimori returned to the United States to attend Columbia University, earning her MBA in 2008. Despite living in the United States part-time to attend university, Keiko Fujimori was elected to Congress in 2006, winning the most votes in Peruvian history. As congresswoman, Keiko voted in opposition to President Alan Garcia.

In 2011, Keiko Fujimori ran for president of Peru under her new party, Popular Force. Her platform of “fujimorism” is the political philosophy of her father, who is still popular for restoring security and the economy. Fujimorism advocates free trade and strong security. However Keiko Fujimori’s economic policies have taken on more populist tones in 2016.

Keiko won over 23% of the vote in 2011, beating former Cabinet chief Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and former President Alejandro Toledo to qualify for second round against Ollanta Humala. Keiko lost the tight runoff against Humala, winning 48.6% of the vote.

After losing the presidential election in 2011, Keiko Fujimori left Congress to prepare Popular Force for the Peru’s 2016 elections in which she would run for president again. She served as president of the largest opposition party in Congress during the government of Humala’s Peruvian Nationalist Party. Popular Force often voted with Alan Garcia’s APRA party to block Humala’s initiatives.

Fujimori’s platform for 2016 included tax breaks and incentives for small businesses to encourage registration of informal companies. Another signature initiative is a law which would allow communities to become shareholders in mining projects. She has also vowed to expand electricity and internet coverage into rural areas.

Fujimori has vowed to protect the interests of small and medium-sized businesses over large multinationals. She has advocated for state participation in strategic industries such as energy. She has also insisted that for mining projects such as the controversial Tia Maria copper mine must have the support of local communities to proceed.

The Popular Force party won a majority of seats in Congress on Peru’s general elections on April 10, 2016. But Fujimori lost a closely contested runoff on June 5 to President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.

Keiko Fujimori’s political success demonstrates the continued popular support of Alberto Fujimori, and many have claimed that the daughter’s support today is, in effect, a vote for her father.

View Comments (9)

  • Keiko:Yo soy un gran admirador de todos ustedes especialmente de su padre,el mejor presidente de toda la historia republicana del Peru y una persona muy honesta que se recuerde ,pacifico al Pais y gracias a el Peru fue un ejemplo de que "Si se puede".Cuando indultaron a tu padre me dije porfin se hizo a un gran hombre justicia.Me hubiera dado un Gusto conocerlos a todos ustedes por tener un papa bueno y un Gran patriota.Yo no me llevo de las estupideces que la gente dicen de tu padre.Hechos y no palabras.Alberto hizo lo que nadie gracias a su amor al Peru y mucha valentia.

  • I am sorry that Perú has such a low level judicial corruption without human rights. Look at trump in USA, without judicial final judge, nobody can’t touch him. We can see how Uneducated people are controlled by opposite political parties from their mean words.
    I am happy to live in USA. I hate our president, but at least I can have safety of human rights.
    Controlled People in Peru can’t understand that everyone can become next victim under such a judicial violence.
    Political parties which wanna control nation know that keiko has enormous power for country.

  • Keiko Fujimori is my distant relative.
    I think her ancestor is a samurai
    My father was born in Nakano Family, as a samurai ancestor.
    He was taken into Nishiyama family when he married my mother.
    When Keio's father became Peru, my uncle Tadashi Nakano and my father told me that Alberto Fujimori was our distant relative.

  • Sra Keiko quiero ofrecerle mi ayuda en su campaña de esta manera:
    Tengo un bote de 60 pies que puede viajar desde Boston MA, al Peru, imagínese la cantidad de seguidores que tendría y podía hablarles por los siguientes 32 días.
    Boston - Neew York
    New York Washington
    Washington miami
    Miami Cancun
    Cancun Guatemala
    Guatemala canal de panama

  • Solo quiero decir que el gobierno de Alberto fujimori fue el mas cruel y despiadado del la historia de Peru solo comparable con el de Alan Garcia Perez, Alberto Fujimori traidor de la patria nunca fue peruano el es un lejitimo cuidadano japones y quien le sabia sus verdades fue Montesinos quien lo chantajeaba, alberto Fujimori saqeo Peru durante su administracion de casi 8 anos por un monto mayor a los 6 mil millones de dollares, cometio los crimenes mas atroces contra cuidadanos opuestos a su dictadura, hoy la hija corre misteriosamente para presidente despues de un caso de estafa en las elecciones quedando en segundo lugar con un voto ati-keiko que hara que posiblemente pierda las elecciones una vez mas y por fin termine en la carcel con su manganzon Mark Vitto y alli terminara la historia de este clan fujimori.

  • ahora se dice que no termino estudios en Boston University. Keiko heredera no de su padre, sino ella se hace la heredera de la parte buena que hizo el ing Alberto Fujimori. Su vida politica tiene dos caras, desterró el terrorismo de sendero y mrta, no porque el se puso un arma a la mano, sino porque gestiono con criterio y capacidad de eleccion de alternativas. Reinserto al Peru a la economia mundial, hizo varios tratados, aperturo y amplio el turismo, se mejoraron ampliamente las carreteras, por ejemplo la panamericana, reduciendose los accidentes y muertes. Amplio la base de cobertura electrica iniciando su interconexion, se construyo en gran cantidad locales escolares, garantizo la autonomia del Banco de Reserva, hubo disciplina fiscal, etc, etc, PERO tambien no tuvo una buena gestion financiera, aunque es criticado por la venta de empresas estatales, son los mismos que pregonaron que el estado no es empresario, ahora dicen que los vendio a precio regalado. la hipocresia reluce. De cierto no hubo condiciones y capacidades de venta. Todo lo bueno, lo mezcló con lo malo. A voces es sabido que Montesinos apreto al narcotrafico, para su caja chica o grande. SE envilicio al punto de cometer los robos que fueron investigados y sentenciado por varios delitos. Por eso, la ecuanimidad y honestidad en politica es totalmente acechada y menoscabada. Bien se dijo que no solo teniamos a corruptos, sino tambien a gente corruptible, como los magistrados del poder judicial. Si quieres recordar, no olvides.

  • ALberto FUjimori fue y sera siempre el mejor presidente que el pais de los resentidos sociales albrego! Gracias a el el Peru sento las bases para su desaroolo. ALberto Fujimori encontro el Peru en caos y muerte cuando Sendero LUminoso estaba a punto de tomar el poder. Si no fuera por el, su inteligencia y sabiduria, el Peru estaria ahora mismo como Vietnam, tomados por esa gente loca, resentida, psicopatas que no saben mas que sembrar violencia y caos en donde van. Asi estamos ahora, con Peru Libre, Una sarta de delincuentes gobierna el Peru y todos con la nariz metidas alli abajo. Nadie sale a protestar. El gobierno a creado una fuente de trabajos ilegales a sus amigos y familaires o a todos los que tengan como primer requisito ser delincuente y los dementes siguen hechandoles la culpa a los Fujimoris. Malagradecido y sin verfguenza eso es lo que eres por hablar mal del hombre que entrego su libertad para sacarte del hoyo. Peru antes de Fujimori y Peru despues de Fujimori son dos Perus diferentes. VIVA ALBERTO FUJIMORI Y SIU LEGADO POR SIEMPRE!!! ABAJO PERU LIBRE Y SUS DELINCUENTES QUE HOY SUBIERON AL PODER!!!